Episode 3: The truth behind the Covid Operation: Depopulation and Mass Control.
Videocast conducted by Michele Lastella, on the secret history of humanity with information based on officially confirmed sources taken from the Archive collected in 21 work, started from 2001 to today with the international community of former secret service agents, researchers, investigators of investigation, independent journalists, scientists, experts in every field free from mainstream propaganda since 5,000 BC to date.
Biography in brief
Michele Lastella is a media and intelligence analyst, a behavioral science historian and an expert in semiotics and sustainability. He is a Reiki Master and co-author of Naked Food Magazine’s Master Plants Cookbook. He is the founder of Sustainable Media, a multimedia company focused on the discovery and distribution of information content through investigative research and cinema, of the Telegram @WeSovereign page where verified information on topics controlled by the ruling regime is shared. He is a director, graduated from the Silvio D’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Art, professor of Film, Media and Acting at the New York Film Academy. He is a Writer, he debuted with his first book Master Plants, in his next book, The Code Of Codes, he reveals some of the most hidden secrets in the history of mankind that are kept under the control of existing powers.
Expertise Topics
Hidden History, Historical Revisionism, Media and Information Control, Dynamics of Masses Control, Social Behavior, History of Social Psychological Operations, Gnosticism, Esoteric, Fundamental Knowledge of Alchemy, Revelations of the Ancient Mysteries contained in the main Secret Societies and Freemasonry.
Stay connected to our
Exclusive Confidential Report
Being prepared and knowing the Truth makes us strong, united and organized.
Media direction by Michele Lastella,
Cohost Michele Nasini
Telegram T.me/WeSovereign
Facebook @SustainableMediaPage
Instagram @Sustainable.Media
Twitter @LastellaMichele
We Are Free from Government Manipulation, and from the Lobbies of the Elite:
Support our work – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sobesoccer
Episodio 3: La verità dietro l’Operazione Pandemica: Depopolamento e Controllo delle Masse.
Videocast condotto da Michele Lastella, sulla storia segreta dell’umanità con informazioni basate su fonti confermate ufficialmente tratte dall’Archivio raccolto in 21 di lavoro, iniziato dal 2001 ad oggi con la comunità internazionale di ex agenti dei servizi segreti, ricercatori, investigatori d’inchiesta, giornalisti indipendenti, scienziati, esperti in ogni settore liberi dalla propaganda maintream sin dal 5,000 a C ad oggi.
Biografia in breve
Michele Lastella è un analista dei media e dell’intelligence, uno storico delle scienze comportamentali ed un esperto di semiotica e sostenibilità. È un Reiki Master e co-autore del Master Plants Cookbook di Naked Food Magazine. È il fondatore di Sustainable Media, una società multimediale focalizzata sulla scoperta e la distribuzione di contenuti informazioni attraverso la ricerca investigativa e il cinema, della pagina Telegram @WeSovereign dove vengono condivise informazioni verificate su temi controllati dal regime al potere. È un regista, diplomato all’Accademia Nazionale D’Arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico, professore di Film, Media e Acting alla New York Film Academy. È Scrittore, ha debuttato con il suo primo libro Master Plants, nel suo prossimo libro, Il Codice Dei Codici, svela alcuni dei segreti più nascosti nella storia dell’umanità che sono tenuti sotto il controllo dei poteri esistenti.
Expertise Topics
Storia Nascosta, Revisionismo Storico, Media e controllo dell’informazione, Dinamiche di controllo delle masse, Comportamento Sociale, Storia delle Social Psychological Operations, Gnosticismo, Esoterismo, Conoscenze fondamentali dell’Alchimia, Rivelazioni degli Antichi Misteri contenuti nelle principali Società Segrete e Massonerie.
Unisciti a noi, essere preparati e conoscere la Verità ci rende forti, uniti e organizzati.
Direzione media di Michele Lastella,
Conduttore Michele Nasini
Telegram T.me/WeSovereign
Facebook @SustainableMediaPage
Instagram @Sustainable.Media
Twitter @LastellaMichele
Episode 3: The truth behind the Covid Operation: Depopulation and Masses Control.
Videocast conducted by Michele Lastella, on the secret history of humanity with information based on officially confirmed sources taken from the Archive collected in 21 work, started from 2001 to today with the international community of former secret service agents, researchers, investigators of investigation, independent journalists, scientists, experts in every field free from maintream propaganda since 5,000 BC to date.
La verità sulla Guerra Ucraina-Russia, e il tentativo di Terza Guerra Mondiale da parte dei Parassiti dell’Elite al comando.
Biography in brief
Michele Lastella is a media and intelligence analyst, a behavioral science historian and an expert in semiotics and sustainability. He is a Reiki Master and co-author of Naked Food Magazine’s Master Plants Cookbook. He is the founder of Sustainable Media, a multimedia company focused on the discovery and distribution of information content through investigative research and cinema, of the Telegram @WeSovereign page where verified information on topics controlled by the ruling regime is shared. He is a director, graduated from the Silvio D’Amico National Academy of Dramatic Art, professor of Film, Media and Acting at the New York Film Academy. He is a Writer, he debuted with his first book Master Plants, in his next book, The Code Of Codes, he reveals some of the most hidden secrets in the history of mankind that are kept under the control of existing powers.
Expertise Topics
Hidden History, Historical Revisionism, Media and Information Control, Dynamics of Masses Control, Social Behavior, History of Social Psychological Operations, Gnosticism, Esoteric, Fundamental Knowledge of Alchemy, Revelations of the Ancient Mysteries contained in the main Secret Societies and Freemasonry.
Stay connected to our
Exclusive Confidential Report
Being prepared and knowing the Truth makes us strong, united and organized.
Media direction by Michele Lastella,
Cohost Michele Nasini
Telegram T.me/WeSovereign
Facebook @SustainableMediaPage
Instagram @ Sustainable.Media
Twitter @LastellaMichele
We Are Free from Government Manipulation, and from the Lobbies of the Elite:
Support our work – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sobesoccer

Watch THE SCHOOL OF MAGIC on Amazon Prime Worldwide and on TUBI TV
The journey of three aspiring magicians from the College of Magic in Cape Town, South Africa, to Las Vegas where they compete in the World Teenage Magic Championship.
A film by Daniel Roth
Produced and distributed by Sustainable Media
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THROUGH KOREAN CINEMA on Amazon Prime Worldwide and on TUBI TV soon!
The Korean cinema has a tendency to describe both the society, the past and the modern. The world of west cinema knows these directors through the journey of some of their movies, their thoughts, their life, their culture, and their storytelling style.
A film by Leonardo Cinieri Lombroso
Distributed by Sustainable Media
Contact us to distribute your content worldwide: pr@sustainable.media

Explore the rich and rewarding world of Southeast Asian cinxema, complete with fascinating traditions, languages, politics, and religions.
A film by Leonardo Cinieri Lombroso
Distributed by Sustainable Media
Contact us to distribute your content worldwide: pr@sustainable.media